This blog is about life. . . people. . .events. . . and all other interesting stuff. . . while I continue to take small steps as I journey around this magical world of blogging.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Friday, September 25, 2009
Caby's Beauty Giveaways

I may not be a make up wearer but my daughters do so I wish I'll have the loot :-)
for more about this, please do browse over Caby's blog
Monday, September 21, 2009
Shaken, Not Stirred
There are lot of drinks also prepared the way James Bond 007 loved it most. And I also had the chance of tasting it all.
Friday, September 18, 2009
A Golden Wedding to Remember
50 years after. . .
the couple, Nards and Derlie, celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary with a
golden wedding ceremony officiated by Father Nonito Adorable, CP and again witnessed by the same ninongs and ninangs who stood by them 50 years ago. . .

A picture of bliss. . .

I learned later from her that she only used five kilos of flour in baking this beautiful cake.
Nice job, Leonie!

He also hosted the very lively program during the reception.

Only five of them since the Ate is in Manila.

Monday, September 14, 2009
What Air Supply Song Am I? I Am Keeping the Love Alive!

I was a dreamy eyed teen ager always hoping that my friends, children of Mayor Toning Acharon, would go to the resort so that I can borrow their very precious Walkman. That was my only way then to get connected to Air Supply songs. It's understandable because we were still living then in a world free from all the luxuries brought about by technology. Moreso, I was still coping up then with a life I thought I won't be able to overcome. We were orphaned and just starting to move on by starting a new life with our dear grandmother. Basic needs always prevailed over whatever simple material luxuries. Being able to listen to Air Supply would mean having the luxury of living in a dreamworld even for just an hour or two. I have been treasuring those memories because it motivated me to strive harder in order to become a better person, a best wife to my husband and a mom that rocks for my children.
28 years after:
I am now a woman happily married for seventeen years to a guy who is a good provider. We are blessed with half a dozen all-girls children who are all bubbly and promising. We both have quite stable jobs. We are gearing towards a life full of good things specially for our children. We dream of seeing them all grown up, God fearing and successful in all endeavours they choose to undertake!

Eid'l Fitr is a Regular Holiday

Friday, September 11, 2009
18th Mindanao Business Conference in Koronadal City
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Only in Gensan: Tunafest '09 Float Parade
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Oh My Golly Ugly Sweaters
Monday, September 7, 2009
Inkai's Tunafest '09 Escapade

Tuna Festival Director Orman O. Manansala,
Bariles, CJ and co-judges Angel, Brendel and Lyle

Many thanks to Davao and Gensan photographers for capturing this
kodak(y) moments!
Friday, September 4, 2009
Latest Holiday Updates from Malacanang

Thursday, September 3, 2009
Cakes for All Seasons and Reasons
Terrific Horrific Halloween Costumes
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Tuna Fest D Day is a Holiday

has been declared as special non-working day by Malacanang.

Workers who will be reporting for work on the said day
will receive 30% more on top of their wages.
The Mom Blogger is Back
I used to be active in the blogosphere but went in hiatus due to overwhelming responsibilities needing my full attention. Because of my l...

Me and my husband are both workaholics. We work because it is needed and we love to do it. We have different ways of relaxing. I feel relaxe...
Dreamwork Ventures will be treating again the Generals to an unforgetable night of immortal love songs by bringing to Gensan world class s...
There's a new feather in Gensan's tourism cap! GENSAN VIEW RESORT Nursery Road (beside Susana Homes) Lagao, General Santos City, Phi...