Sunday, April 24, 2011

We're Almost There!

Hey, guys! I am sharing with you this first ever picture of our soon to be residence. After a month of construction, this is how it looks like now. The journey since day one of the construction was quite exciting. Almost everyday, stories waiting to be told unraveled and endless excitement continued to awe me and my family.

A simple dream starting to come true... with God's grace and blessing - we can finally say, we're almost home!

More to come about this journey, guys, soon. . . .

Monday, April 18, 2011

April 23 is a Non-Working Day

His Excellency President Benigno S. Aquino III, by virtue of Proclamation No. 150, has declared Black Saturday as special non-working day throughout the country.

Work performed on this day merits an additional 30% of the salary.

Principle of no work, no pay applies.

For more about holiday pay rule, please click on this LINK.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Back to Where I Belong

It's been awhile since I last updated this blog of mine...

I am now inspired to blog more often - It's because am going back home (this time with my husband and a bunch of bubbly little jinkees).

Yes, dear friends, after seventeen long years of living in the city - hubby and I decided to build a home of our own within the place where I grew up. A place where you can stargaze at night. . . listen to croaking frogs... catch fireflies and get use to the sound of the crickets.

What makes it more exciting for me are the following:

the rustling waters. . .
freshwater fishes and crustaceans. . .
fresh veggies. . .
fresh fruits. . .
the chance to once again, play in the rain!

I want my kids to experience all of these things and perhaps tell them over and over again the beautiful stories of my youth in the place where I belong. . .

I'll be keeping you posted dear friends of this new development in my life. . . thanks for always being here for me!

The Mom Blogger is Back

I used to be active in the blogosphere but went in hiatus due to overwhelming responsibilities needing my full attention.  Because of my l...